eBooks, Software and Downloads

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Nuggets - Write Ebooks And Make Money - Developing Your Own Ebook

Nuggets:  Write Ebooks And Make Money – Developing Your Own Ebook
Name Of Ebook:  Write Ebooks And Make Money
Author Of Ebook:  Jo Mark

Blog submission date:  3rd October, 2009

Topic:  Developing Your Own Ebook

Developing Your Own Ebook

Learning to write your own ebook can be extremely profitable.  You can write as many ebooks as you like, on any subject you choose, and best of all, your finished product costs you nothing!  If you spot a profitable trend, you can quickly put together your own ebook and profit from it.

Your ebook will contain specific instructions to assist the reader to accomplish a task.

The easiest way to ensure that you include all of the necessary information is to develop an outline.  It can be on any subject you like, but it must start with step one and end with a completed result.

It must provide all of the information required so that even a novice could read your manual and complete the task.

For example:

Jill has a knitting website and intends to write an ebook on knitting a scarf, her outline might look like this:

                    I.      Select materials
A.     Type, quantity, and size of wool
B.     Type and size of knitting needles
C.     Color possibilities, variegated or plain

                 II.      Knitting
A.     Type of knitting stitches required
B.     Instructions for knitting the scarf

               III.      Finishing touches
A.     Add a border
B.     Finish with fringe

Each of the Roman numerals listed above represents a 300 to 500 word article.  In this case, Jill will write 3 articles.

The capital letters under that Roman numeral represents the information that will be presented in the article above it.
The first article (I) will discuss the type, quantity and size of wool to be used in the project.  It will also describe the type and size of knitting needles along with the color possibilities.

The second article (II) will detail the types of stitches required and will provide specific instructions to knit the scarf.

Article three (III) will show how to add a border and fringe to complete the piece.

Some of your ebooks will have four, five, or even more steps/articles to complete a project.  As this is your first Ebook, you will benefit by starting with a smaller project.

By setting up an outline as described above, and Ebook of any size becomes a much more manageable project.

If you are skilled at writing articles, the task is much easier than it sounds.  The average ebook contains twenty-five to fifty double-spaced pages of information.  This represents twelve to twenty-five single spaced pages.

If you write articles consistently, you have probably noticed that your articles each run about one full page.  Therefore, your ebook will be the equivalent of writing twelve to twenty-five individual articles.  Now the job doesn’t seem quite so intimidating.

Outline your ebook as detailed above into twelve to twelve-five separate chapters.  This will also be your table of contents.  Each day write one or two chapters/articles until you’ve completed it.  That turned out to be pretty easy.


Nuggets “Developing Your Own Ebook” is a chapter excerpted from “Write Ebooks And Make Money”.  The article was written by Jo Mark.

Jo Mark,  is an Internet Marketing expert specializing in the generation of income through the writing and placement of articles.  His successful ebooks have helped countless individuals to generate income by writing articles.

To learn more above Jo Mark, please visit please click here.

For further details or to purchase please click on the respective names below:


Write Ebooks and Make Money
Selling Price:  $24.95
Description:  Write Ebooks and Make Money provides all the details on: Writing Your Own Ebook, Building An Affiliate Network To Sell Your Ebook, Developing Hot Selling Topics That Buyers Love, etc. Included upon the purchase of the Ebook are numerous bonuses!

Shirley-Ann Pearman
Data Entry Administration


Sewing Places

Friday, October 2, 2009
